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Another financial year is rapidly drawing to a close, which of course means tax time is around the corner. Avoidance has never proven to be a useful strategy to get your tax return in on time so it’s highly advisable to be on the front foot right from the start. To make the process potentially less painful, we’ve compiled a checklist of what you may need in order to maximize this years’ return.
Your income is not necessarily derived solely from your employer. Consider if any of the following may be applicable:
Quite often a minefield to navigate, deductions usually include expenses that have been incurred and not reimbursed which may impact your tax burden such as:
There are many ways to help you manage your tax effectively. Some key things to consider are:
Being Super-Savvy
Private Health Insurance Rebate
If you have private health insurance, you are likely to be eligible for the private health insurance rebate which the government contributes towards the cost of your premium. Ensure you have the required information through from your insurer.
Investment Property Expenses
Home Office Expenses
If you have been working remotely, the ATO has introduced a flat rate claim of 80c per hour for all expenses. Those which may be considered include:
As with most deductions, its imperative to note that:
Of course, there is no substitute for expert advise when it comes to your tax so speak to your accountant to find out how best to maximise your return at tax time. Let the Blackburne Mortgage Broking team if you need any guidance this End of Financial year.
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