Blackburne Property Group Pty Ltd (Blackburne) and its related entities recognises the importance of protecting the privacy of personal information and sensitive information collected in a number of ways including:
- from publicly available sources of information;
- when you visit our website and / or via software, such as cookies and web or tracking pixels;
- from you directly;
- from third parties;
- from our own records at Blackburne; and
- when legally required to do so.
Personal Information and Sensitive Information
Personal Information refers to information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.
Sensitive information refers to information or an opinion about an individual’s personal preferences and characteristics (such as race, ethnicity, political opinions, memberships, religious or philosophical beliefs and sexual preference), health information about an individual, genetic information and/or biometric information. Sensitive information is afforded a higher level of protection than other personal information.
Kinds of information held and collected by Blackburne
Personal information held by us is collected only when knowingly and voluntarily submitted by you. When you register your interest or otherwise in the course of us providing our services to you, we may need to collect personal information which may include your name, job title, telephone/mobile phone number, e-mail address, and postcode.
Sensitive information held by us is collected only when knowingly and voluntarily submitted by you. Although we will rarely hold and/or collect this kind of information, the information we may hold includes your preferences and interests. At all times, we will take reasonable steps to obtain your express consent where we propose to handle your sensitive information.
Collecting information from you
- we will tell you why we are collecting information when we collect it and how we plan to use it or these things will be obvious when we collect the information; and
- we will only use your personal information if and when we need to contact you.
For example, we may need to collect such information to provide you with further services or to answer or forward any requests or enquiries. It is our intention that this policy will protect your personal information from being dealt with in any way that is inconsistent with applicable privacy laws in Australia.
If you choose not to provide personal information to us, we may not be able to provide you with access to the parts of this Site or to certain content, products and services available on or from this Site or generally from Blackburne.
Use of Information
Purpose of collecting and holding information
We use your information to provide our services to you or to fulfil administrative functions associated with these services. Personal information is used only for the purpose for which it is submitted or for such other secondary purposes that are related to that purpose, unless we disclose other uses in this Privacy Statement or at the time of collection.
Primary purpose refers to the particular purpose for which the information in question was collected. For example, if we were to provide you with a newsletter and we asked for your address to send it to you, the primary purpose for the collection for your address would be to send the newsletter to you at your address.
Secondary purpose is any purpose other than the primary purpose for which we have collected your personal information. Personal information will only be disclosed or used for a secondary purpose where;
- you have consented to the use or disclosure;
- you would reasonably expect Blackburne to use or disclose the information for that secondary purpose;
- the use of disclosure is required by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order;
- a ‘permitted general situation’ exists, such as lessening or preventing a serious threat to life, health or safety, locating a missing person or to undertake a confidential alternative dispute resolution process; and
- Blackburne reasonably believes that the use or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary for one or more enforcement related activities conduct by or behalf of an enforcement body.
We usually collect personal information such as your name, telephone number, and in some instances, some of your business details. When you are on our website, we may collect information regarding the pages within our network which you visited, what you clicked on and your IP address. As a general rule we do not collect sensitive information. However, if we do, it will usually be for the purposes of providing our services and if the law requires us to, we will seek your consent to collect it.
If you subscribe to receive promotional or other material from us or are registered for any services, then your personal information that you provide will be recorded. Your email address will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it (which may include being added to our mailing list, and in the instance when we are delivering a project in partnership with another company it may also include being added to the partner’s mailing list for that particular project) but otherwise it will not be added to any other mailing lists.
- From time to time, Blackburne may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes. Blackburne may contact you by email, phone, fax or mail. Blackburne may use the information to customise the website according to your interests.
- Blackburne will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless it has your permission or is required by law to do so. Blackburne may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which it thinks you may find interesting if you tell us that you wish this to happen.
Parties who will have access to personal information
Generally, your personal information will only be accessed by Blackburne staff and officers when and where it is appropriate or necessary. However, your personal information may also be accessed, from time to time, by external parties such as;
- Blackburne contractors and service providers who assist Blackburne in the operation of its business or to provide a customer service (for example, a company distributes a mail out to clients);
- Blackburne project partners and suppliers;
- third party lenders and insurers;
- anyone authorised by a provider of personal information; and
- relevant parties and government agencies in situations when Blackburne is required by law to provide the information.
Where a party, other than an employee or officer of Blackburne, has access to the personal information of individuals, they will be required to comply with the Privacy Act (1988) (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles and, where appropriate, to enter into privacy agreements with Blackburne.
Use of Aggregate Data
We may use personal information in aggregate form to improve our services and make them more responsive to the needs of our customers. This statistical compilation and analysis of information may also be used by us or provided to others as a summary report for marketing, advertising or research purposes.
Period for which records are held and Information Retention and Destruction Practices
We have a policy in place for determining whether we will retain or destroy records of personal information. We periodically review the records of the personal information we hold.
Where we have held such records for X number of years or have records for a project of plan which was completed X number of years ago in our possession, we will take reasonable steps to determine whether it is appropriate for Blackburne to retain or destroy that information.
Anonymity or pseudonyms
Where we make use of personal information for statistical or marketing purposes, we will endeavour to make use of pseudonyms and/or to make the applicable personal details anonymous.